Friday at 10:00 AM
Have you been “itching” to learn more about honey bees? Have the desire, but need a little guidance? Well, here’s your opportunity to learn more about honey bees and how to start keeping bees. In this introduction to honey bees Shelley Mills MSU Extension Agent and Master Beekeeper will teach you all about honey bee biology, explain and demonstrate the equipment and tools you will need to keep honey bees, and teach you the top ten newbie mistakes for beekeepers. In the presentation honey bee biology you will learn about the different classes of honey bees within the hive, how workers know what their job is, communication within the hive and the different races of bees available. In the equipment and tools section you will learn about the components of the Langstroth hive and how it fits together, and you’ll learn the tools of the trade and why we use them in bee keeping. Finally, you will learn what the top pitfalls are for a new beekeeper and how to avoid them.
Intensive Grazing presented by Montana rancher Gage Iverson
Gage Iverson will touch on the ecological and economics of intensive grazing. He will also dive into his personal practices and observations over the past five years.
Friday at 1:00 PM
2024 was a mixed bag for the Montana Ag Economy. The brightest spot was very strong cattle prices throughout the year. Prices for small grains were weak for much of 2024. Drought conditions returned to Eastern and South Eastern Montana in the second half of the year. Cattle inventory numbers remained low as herd rebuilding after the drought years of 2021 and 2022 was hampered by strong prices. Policy uncertainty is looming large as we near the 2025 growing season. The most recent Farm Bill expired in the fall of 2023 with congress passing a one year extension. The 2024 election cycle brings new members to congress, it isn’t yet clear how or when policies important to agriculture, such as risk management, conservation and nutrition programs will be addressed. The incoming administration has also indicated more restrictive trade policies are likely to be implemented which could be important to ag exporters.
Friday 2:15 PM
Discuss with growers how to go through a soil test; and determine the balance of nutrients in the soil. Calculate key ratios and determine which nutrients the soil needs most. Not going to fix the soil but feed the plants.
Saturday at 10:00 AM
Gage Iverson will touch on the ecological and economics of intensive grazing. He will also dive into his personal practices and observations over the past five years.
Call Ashley Fulton at 406-939-0904.
GATE's raffle proceeds are used to benefit local ag-related organizations.
“The Check Is In The Mail” Bronze Sculpture by Harvey Rattey - Donated By Bridger Bronze.
36" Blackstone 4-Burner Propane Hard-Top Griddle and Accessories - Donated by Tractor Supply Company . Package includes propane tank, cover and more!
Troy-Built Storm 2420, 24 inch Snow Blower - Donated by Tractor Supply Company
A raffle will also be held with the drawing of the winning tickets at 4:00 PM on Saturday February 15th.
Tickets will be available starting January 17, 2025
Get the tickets from any GATE member, from the Chamber of Commerce, or purchase during GATE.